Lowell Gentry - Cereal Rye Cover Crop Ahead of Corn Mgt. vs Tile Nitrate
Dr. Nick Seiter - Cover Crop Insect Control Management
Dr. Jon Schoonover - Saturated Buffers
Dr. Amir Sadeghephour - Nitrogen Rate and VRT
Dr. Fred Below & Eric Winans - Nitrogen Timing and Placement
Dr. Jennifer Fraterrigo - Phosphorus Hot Spots and Legacy Phosphate
Dr. Jaiyu Guan - Cover Crops
Dr. Rabin Bhattarai - Watershed Response/Tile Systems
Dr. Richard Cooke - Reusing Drainage Water to Reduce Nutrient Loss
Dr. Angela Kent - Dissimilatory Nitrogen Reduction to Ammonia Discovery (DNRA) as well as engineering corn for better nitrogen efficiency through allelopathic exudates.