Silky Dogwood (5/Bundle)
Latin: Cornus amomum
Zones: 4-8
Other common names: kinnikinnik, red-willow, silky cornel, squawbush, indigo dogwood
Mature Height/spread: 6-8 ft high/ 6-9 ft. spread. Moderate to fast growth rate.
Soil / Climate: Ranges from Maine to Manitoba and as far South as Florida. It transplants easily and does well in soils that are moist and moderately acidic. It prefers full sun to partial shade. Widelay adaptable.
Notes: Silky Dogwood has red bark, though not quite as red as ‘red osier dogwood’. Leaves are narrow and 3 to 5 inches long, and turn purple to red in autumn. Flowers are yellowish/creamy white which bloom in late May to early June. Fruit is generally abundant, and blue or bluish-white, 1/4 to 3/8 inch in diameter. Popular for erosion control. Silky Dogwood is hardy and a fast grower.
Wildlife: The fruit is eaten by wood ducks, turkey, ruffed grouse, bobwhite, pheasant, woodcock, woodpeckers, and many others.