- Trees - Pickup only - March 27-28th
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- White Pine (Bundle of 5)
White Pine (Bundle of 5)
Bare root seedling
Latin: Pinus strobus
Zones: Cold hardy to 3-8
Other common names: eastern white pine, northern white pine, white pine, soft pine Weymouth pine
Mature Height/spread: 75 to 100′ tall by 30-50′ wide, can reach well over 100′ tall. Many lateral branches create a moderately dense canopy, fast growing.
Soil/Climate: likes moist, sandy soils, but grows well on a variety of soil types. Will grow in clay soils better than most pines. White pines prefer well-drained soil and cool, humid climates, but also grow in boggy areas and rocky highlands. In mixed forests, this dominant tree towers over all others,
including the large hardwoods.
Notes: needles are in fascicles (bundles) of five (rarely 3 or 4), with a deciduous sheath. They are flexible, bluish-green, finely serrated, and 2–5 in long. Mature trees can easily be 200 to 250 years old. Some white pines live over 400 years. Pine resin has had several uses including to waterproof baskets, pails and boats and the sap can be processed to make turpentine. Fast growth rate with more than 24″ per year.
Wildlife: Seed is eaten by squirrels, wood duck, bobwhite, pheasant, and many varieties of woodpeckers. The seed and needles are eaten by spruce grouse and turkey.